Building a home for one of the most exciting apps today

Tink has already become one of the largest financial services in Sweden. We had the privliege to build their fully responsive webpage. 

We were approached by Tink in spring of 2014 because they wanted to take their webpage to the next level to better match the technical and aestetic brilliance of the app. Not surprisingly it turned to be one of our most challenging and thrilling projects to date. The website went live  in september and attracted a lot of attention.

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Magic scrolling

Throughout the site we used different parallax techniques to help the user get a sense of how it feels to use the Tink application.

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Words from our users never looked cooler

When we first heard of the concept for how the words from our users would scroll, grow bigger and at the same time – say something about Tink, we didn’t know how much math that was needed to make it come true. But after many hours we finally ended up we one of the most ambitious words from our users section out there.

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